When Tripura Foundation found Mrs. Panjaliammal, she was destitute and hopeless. She was born partially blind.
She has one sister named Chinnaponu. Both sisters grew up in dire poverty. Her parents barely earned enough to feed them and soon married the sisters off to men in different areas.
Chinnaponu had a very short married life. Problems with her husband forced her to leave him behind. Eventually, Chinnaponu arrived at her sister’s house with nowhere else to go.

Panjaliammal lived with her husband who worked in a tannery and her young son. They accepted Chinnaponu into their home even though they were having a hard time earning enough to barely subside. Even though she was blind, Panjaliammal cooked for her husband and sister.

As years passed by, Panjaliammal’s vision started to rapidly decrease. Besides this problem, her husband was admitted to the hospital and diagnosed with cancer. Probably, caused by working at the tannery. He could no longer work and had to be taken care of at home.

Chinnaponu worked in the neighborhood wherever she was offered a wage.

Meanwhile, Panjaliammal’s son was married off and he abandoned his parents after marriage.

Life became harder for Panjaliammal after her husband died. With Chinnaponu also unable to work because of her old age, they had to beg the neighbors for food.

Fortunately, Tripura Foundation stepped to support the sisters. Now, they have the required monthly rations and are living a better life.